A = strong red
B = light orange
C = lemon-yellow
D = dark ochre with an orange tinge
E = strong sky-blue
F = medium violet
G = light grass-green with a yellow tinge
H = strong salmon-colour
I = white
J = mint with a grey tinge
K = black
L = reddish violet
M = dark orange
N = salmon-colour with an orange tinge
O = dark yellow
P = medium ochre with an orange tinge
Q = metal-grey
R = dark violet
S = strong blue
T = dark brown
U = dark brass-colour
V = strong grass-green
W = dark turquoise with a grey tinge
X = dark violet
Y = light grey
Z = medium brown with an orange tinge
The first 5 letters and a few more have similar colours as the magnetic
letters of a table that I had received when I was 2 years old.
In some cases words, especially abstract conceptions, have the colours
of their first letters, for example:
Angst (fear) = strong red
Glück (luck) = light grass-green with a yellow tinge
Gott (god) = light grass-green with a yellow tinge
Freude (joy) = medium violet
Hass (hate) = strong salmon-colour
Liebe (love) = reddish violet
Schuld (guilt) = strong blue